
Teresa Savo

The Palos Verdes Democrats is sad to pass on news of the passing of a dear friend and dedicated Democrat,  Teresa Savo. 

Born in 1935 in El Paso, Texas, Teresa moved to California at age 13 to begin her life here.  She met and married Dr. Ted Savo and raised 3 children, Ted Savo Jr., Dr. Deanna Savo, Monica Savo Naumoff.

A passionate volunteer, she leveraged her bilingualism as a docent for the LA Natural History Museum and at Casa de Los Angeles.  But it was her work with the Palos Verdes Democrats that left an indelible impression on our club.

Teresa was the club Hospitality Chair, and hosted many of our annual meetings, events which eventually grew into our annual club picnic.  She was an active volunteer, hosting a fund-raising event and working campaigns for Al Muratsuchi.  She also served as a delegate to the

In lieu of flowers, in Teresa’s name she would like all to participate in a random act of kindness no matter how large or small.

2014-2015 Palos Verdes Democrats Board:
Back row: Sheila Papayans, Lynn Bommer, David Hall, Susie Boone, Judy Pang, Marta Liepzig.
Front row: Al Shadbourne, Stacey Michaels, Teresa Savo, Maria Martinez, Carol Moeller, Dee Dee Gonzales
Not shown: Connie Sullivan, Laura Hines-Jurgen